Gabe Cisneros, Jesse Evans, Joel Sheppard, and I (Pablo Zuleta) took Wednesday off for some mid week expouldering.  Joel and Jesse camped into Wednesday morning and were up at Galena Major when Gabe and I arrived at 8:00am.  

When we arrived Jesse and Joel were working the Ananzi Project, which is a high ball line with amazing movements, though very desperate at the top.  Gabe and I continued up the hill to check out some other lines we were excited to climb.  Below are a few pictures from the day's adventure.


Joel Sheppard working Ananzi.   Joel sent this project on August 20th !  V8.  Awesome line with some very committing moves. I took this picture while sitting on a dead 1" diameter branch 10' up.

Joel Sheppard working Ananzi.  


Joel sent this project on August 20th !  V8.  Awesome line with some very committing moves. 

I took this picture while sitting on a dead 1" diameter branch 10' up.

Gabe working a really cool new line.  Very beta intense and powerful. 

Gabe working a really cool new line.  Very beta intense and powerful. 

Jesse Evans working the project pictured above.

Jesse Evans working the project pictured above.

Gabe working the project pictured above.

Gabe working the project pictured above.

Gabe Cisneros on the project with Pablo Zuleta and Jesse EvansPhoto By: Gabe Cisneros

Gabe Cisneros on the project with Pablo Zuleta and Jesse Evans

Photo By: Gabe Cisneros

Gabe setting up for the difficult dyno finishPhoto By: Gabe Cisneros

Gabe setting up for the difficult dyno finish

Photo By: Gabe Cisneros

A dried up creek bed with a very happy plant. 

A dried up creek bed with a very happy plant. 

I don't think there are house cats this far up in the mountains.  Note to Cole Allen: They are watching us ! 

I don't think there are house cats this far up in the mountains.  

Note to Cole Allen: They are watching us ! 
