Friday evening Jesse Evans and I (Pablo Zuleta)  headed out in the rain to the Sasquatch Boulders.  We camped and woke up to a rainy Saturday morning next to the river.... but still motivated to expoulder! 

Saturday afternoon the sun poked out and the rain was pushed up the pass, but the rock was still too wet to climb so we decided to chase salmon around for 3 hours.  (We ate chicken for dinner, if that says anything about our fishing skills). 

Sunday morning Jesse and I woke up early to work on camp a bit and were waiting for friends to arrive.  At 9:30 am Blue, Leah and Dan arrived to check out Sasquatch for the first time !  After a short walk up hill we looked at some of the new climbs, but they were still damp so we decided to climb other lines, such as Solaris.  Then around noon we switched gears to climb the new problems, which was about when Ben and Jess arrived.  That is when the FA's started going up and the day really got started.  We had like 8 pads, tons of sunshine and were stoked to explore what the new climbs would bring. The photos below show some of the rad new climbs that went up this weekend.  


Pablo Zuleta putting up the FA for Mr. Hollow Head -V4(Mr. Hollow Head is an action figure at the Sasquatch Boulders made of drift wood) 

Pablo Zuleta putting up the FA for Mr. Hollow Head -V4

(Mr. Hollow Head is an action figure at the Sasquatch Boulders made of drift wood) 

Dan Erikson pulling the start on Mr. Hollow Head.  Tricky feet !

Dan Erikson pulling the start on Mr. Hollow Head.  Tricky feet !

Leah establishing the start hold on Mr. Hollow Head

Leah establishing the start hold on Mr. Hollow Head

Leah moving up the climb.  

Leah moving up the climb.  

Blue putting up the FA of Concious Sedation a bold new line at Sasquatch.  (Concious is spelled like this on purpose)

Blue putting up the FA of Concious Sedation a bold new line at Sasquatch.  

(Concious is spelled like this on purpose)

Blue, braving the high ball slab !

Blue, braving the high ball slab !

Ben O'Connell climbing Concious Sedation.

Ben O'Connell climbing Concious Sedation.

Dan Erikson sending!

Dan Erikson sending!

Joel Sheppard warming up for the day.

Joel Sheppard warming up for the day.

Dan Erikson climbing Goosebumps another new slab line.   

Dan Erikson climbing Goosebumps another new slab line.  


Pablo Zuleta putting up the FA to Goosebumps-V3

Pablo Zuleta putting up the FA to Goosebumps-V3

Goosebumps was still a little damp, so we were doing a lot of this.

Goosebumps was still a little damp, so we were doing a lot of this.

Ben O climbing Sun Sail.

Ben O climbing Sun Sail.

Morning views from near the Sasquatch Boulders.

Morning views from near the Sasquatch Boulders.

Bonfire, roasting beef, and fording the river at night.... 

Bonfire, roasting beef, and fording the river at night.... 
