These are new problems and projects that have been put up. If you have a new project or problem you recently put up and want to share send over a picture to
Monkey Madness Traverse- V4
FA Ben O'Connell
Pictured: Pablo Zuleta
A classic arete line identified by Brian Arcement, cleaned by Pablo Zuleta and sent by Ben O'Connell. One of the top moderate traverses at Morpheus.
Photo By. Jesse Evans
FA Ryan Timm
Pictured: Sam Arnold
Mosseratti begins on the right most rail and moves up and left thru big moves to a committing top out.
A very cool line !
Photo By: Pablo Zuleta
The Wizards Hat
Pictured: Jesse Evans
Photo By: Pablo Zuleta
SBP Boulder
FAs Will Despard and Pablo Zuleta
Pictured: Will Despard
Tons of great easy high ball lines with a perfect landing.
Picture By: Pablo Zuleta
Pangaea Project - Vhard
Pictured: Miles Berkey
Photo By: Pablo Zuleta
El Diamante Project
Pictured: Pablo Zuleta
Photo By: Will Despard
Perfect Nature Project
A proud jump start in the Throne Room Bouldering Area. Jump to a sloper and crimp and work up the short arete to the point.
The War Horse- V7 (FA Miles Berkey) sits on the right arete.
Pictured: Miles Berkey on the problem, Pablo Zuleta on spot.
Galena Major
FA Gabriel Cisneros
Pictured: Blue climbing and Gabe on spot.
It is on the jelly bean boulder on the right side when looking form the road. Blue named it because the topout looks like an elephants butt. The topout is so committing and fun.
Surrender -V6
FA Jesse Evans
Galena Major
Pictured: Jesse Evans on the climb and everyone else relaxing. Miles Berkey, Kerwin Loukusa, Sam Arnold
Begin on the low right shelf and move left to a top out. This climbs great. Reachy and burley .
Photo By: Pablo Zuleta
Old Hide - V6
FA Miles Berkey
Galena Major
Pictured: Miles Berkey on the climb, Kerwin Loukusa, Pablo Zuleta on spot.
Photo By: Pablo Zuleta