Audrea crossing the log bridge to Morphues. Later in the summer when water levels go down it is possible to cross on the rocks. Walking, crawling and not falling are great options for accessing this amazing climbing area.
Brian Braeckle on Atom Streak- V4 A great line in the bowl of Devils Club Forest
(FA Pablo Zuleta)
Kerwin on the Mechanical Bull - V5 with Ryan Timm, Emily Boling, Pablo Zuleta, and Jesse Evans
(FA Jesse Evans)
Will Despard on the Bion Crack- V4 with Pablo Zuleta on spot. (FA Pablo Zuleta)
Johnny on Dropping the Chicken - V6 (FA Mike May) a three star problem in the Morpheus Bouldering Area.
Jesse Evans on the Rocking Chair -V4 (FA Jesse Evans), Try the dyno variation for added fun ! Another three star line in Morpheus Bouldering Area.
Will Despard on the Kagaroo Arete- V4 ( FA Pablo Zuleta)
Ryan Timm on Tsunami-V5 ( FA Mile Berkey).
Tsunami starts on head high crimps and moves up the slab to a solid shelf. Tsunami Direct tops out directly above. You could also try Tsunami Right-V4 for a less committing top out.