Morpheus Bouldering area identified in 2012 is an easy 15 minute hike from the car. The area offers very high quality granite climbs in a variety of grades with access to highball lines. These are some pictures of recent activity at the Morpheus Boulders. We have currently established approximately 100 problems our in this area.
Landjaeger - V9
FA: Miles Berkey
Featured in Photo: Miles Berkey on left and Cole Allen on the problem. This is an awesome trail side boulder with 3 lines on it.
Sauerkraut Traverse-V1 (FA Pablo Zuleta)
Starts on the far left and traverses right to top out.
Miller Light-V4 (FA Gabriel Cisneros)
Begins Right of Landjaeger and moves straight up.
Miles Berkey climbing Lines of Latitude-V3 (FA Miles Berkey) with Pablo Zuleta on spot. This is a three star trail side boulder.
A night at Camp Zion ( The camp at Morpheus) roasting meat, drinking beer and watching the fire.
Expouldering Food !!! Lamb Leg on a spit !
Miles Berkey on Hail to the Chief-V8 (FA Jared Usui) A very fun dyno with a great landing.
Photo By: Jared Usui
Troubled Rock-V2
Morpheus Bouldering Area
FA Pablo Zuleta
Begin low next to the Troubled Water Project and move up the arete and crack to a top out. These lines are situated next to a beautiful waterfall.
Pictured: Pablo Zuleta
Happy Mothers Day-V8
Morpheus Bouldering Area
FA Miles Berkey
Begin on the left with a toe hook and bust up to the reachy ledge! A trail side boulder with fun and challanging movements.
Pictured: Miles Berkey on the problem, Pablo Zuleta on Spot.