So much happened this weekend that I think you had to be there..... 

15 people climbing

27 new lines went up

3 new projects  

and a ton of good memories. 


I also added Mike May's Morpheus Preview 2 Video and Gabriel Cisneros' Video of the "Wise Man's Fear", "Diamond Engagement," "Hercules Hug," and "That Dope Line."

Diamond Engagement V5FA Gabriel CisnerosMorpheusPictured: Gabriel CisnerosBegin inside the diamond with left sidepull and right hand crimp, move up to finger crack and bust up to good crimps and top it out on diagonal ledges.Photo By. Pablo Zuleta

Diamond Engagement V5

FA Gabriel Cisneros


Pictured: Gabriel Cisneros

Begin inside the diamond with left sidepull and right hand crimp, move up to finger crack and bust up to good crimps and top it out on diagonal ledges.

Photo By. Pablo Zuleta

Wasn't V6FA Ben O'ConnellMorpheusPictured: Ben O'ConnellStart with opposing sidepulls and a heal and move up to a tiny crimp. Photo By. Pablo Zuleta

Wasn't V6

FA Ben O'Connell


Pictured: Ben O'Connell

Start with opposing sidepulls and a heal and move up to a tiny crimp. 

Photo By. Pablo Zuleta

Camping Fun

Camping Fun

Beating the heat of the day in a nice water hole !Pictured: Jessica Anderson, Ben O'Connell, Pablo Zuleta

Beating the heat of the day in a nice water hole !

Pictured: Jessica Anderson, Ben O'Connell, Pablo Zuleta

French Exit-V5FA Johnny GMorpheusPictured: ChoiThe French Exit, an amazing new line in Morpheus.  Begin low on sidepulls and continue up with heel hooks, crimps and slopers. Photo By. Pablo Zuleta

French Exit-V5

FA Johnny G


Pictured: Choi

The French Exit, an amazing new line in Morpheus.  Begin low on sidepulls and continue up with heel hooks, crimps and slopers. 

Photo By. Pablo Zuleta

Hercules Hug-V5FA Pablo ZuletaMorpheusPictured: Gabriel Cisneros and Pablo Zuleta Photo By. Pablo Zuleta

Hercules Hug-V5

FA Pablo Zuleta


Pictured: Gabriel Cisneros and Pablo Zuleta


Photo By. Pablo Zuleta

Wiseman's Fear-V5FA Gabriel CisnerosMorpheusPictured: Gabriel Cisneros and ChoiA very fun arete line with a committing top out.  Begins low on the left rail and moves up to a desperate sloper with solid feet.Photo By. Pablo Zuleta

Wiseman's Fear-V5

FA Gabriel Cisneros


Pictured: Gabriel Cisneros and Choi

A very fun arete line with a committing top out.  Begins low on the left rail and moves up to a desperate sloper with solid feet.

Photo By. Pablo Zuleta

French ConnectionFA Brett OwensMorpheusPictured: Brett OwensBegin per the French Exit and move right onto the slab.Photo By. Pablo Zuleta

French Connection

FA Brett Owens


Pictured: Brett Owens

Begin per the French Exit and move right onto the slab.

Photo By. Pablo Zuleta

Pablo Zuleta connecting the French Exit to the French Connection.

Pablo Zuleta connecting the French Exit to the French Connection.

Johnny G working the Gavel Low start.

Johnny G working the Gavel Low start.

That Dope Line-V2FA Ben O'ConnellMorpheusPictured: Ben O'ConnellStart on the left of the beautiful arete and move right.  Carefully move under the log and continue up to the horn.Photo By. Pablo Zuleta

That Dope Line-V2

FA Ben O'Connell


Pictured: Ben O'Connell

Start on the left of the beautiful arete and move right.  Carefully move under the log and continue up to the horn.

Photo By. Pablo Zuleta

Dinosaur Skin-V?FA Jesse EvansMorpheusPictured: Pablo ZuletaBegin on.... ummmm.  So many holds, so few you can actually hold on to... move up the razors and top out !Photo By. Ben O'Connell

Dinosaur Skin-V?

FA Jesse Evans


Pictured: Pablo Zuleta

Begin on.... ummmm.  So many holds, so few you can actually hold on to... move up the razors and top out !

Photo By. Ben O'Connell

Jessica Anderson working the French Exit.  A classic moderate line at Morpheus.

Jessica Anderson working the French Exit.  A classic moderate line at Morpheus.

The Contender-V8FA Jesse EvansMorpheusPictured: Pablo ZuletaStart underneath on sidepulls and move to a undercling and two toe hooks.  Continue to arete with a lot of body tension and top out left.  A burley new line.

The Contender-V8

FA Jesse Evans


Pictured: Pablo Zuleta

Start underneath on sidepulls and move to a undercling and two toe hooks.  Continue to arete with a lot of body tension and top out left.  A burley new line.

Tumbler-V6FA Haychoi TaingMorpheusPictured: Haychoi Taing and David SpeyrerStart matched on half pad crimp and high foot on the right. Finish above David's right hand in the picture.  A powerful and balancy line.  Great movements from star…


FA Haychoi Taing


Pictured: Haychoi Taing and David Speyrer

Start matched on half pad crimp and high foot on the right. Finish above David's right hand in the picture.  A powerful and balancy line.  Great movements from start to finish.
