Thursday after work, John Lyman, Morgan Heater, Gabe Cisneros and I (Pablo Zuleta) packed up Gabe's truck full of crash pads and headed for Morpheus. After a quick one hour drive we pulled into the parking lot at Morpheus (around 3:30pm), threw the pads down, stuffed them with climbing gear and headed for the boulders.
On our way up to the 420 boulders we ran into Ryan Timm at "Landjaeger." Ryan had been out there scrubbing and climbing the whole day solo. I imagine this late in the day he was pretty gassed but he still decided to rally up to the 420 zone with us to climb. Our intentions were to climb and repeat some of the cool new lines that have been put up the past few weeks.
Once we reached the 420 Zone, which is about 15 minutes from the car, we started climbing on "That Dope Line" a long V2 Arete put up by Ben O'Connell last week for a solid warm up then jumped on "Wiseman's Fear," an instant classic put up by Gabe last week. We had tons of pads and Morgan as the ultimate spotter. Gabe was the first one on it and styled it out, then John got on it and sent "Wiseman's Fear." Below the start rail for the problem there are a few holds, John saw them and cruised up it again, but this time from a new low start ! The low start adds a few powerful moves and adds a grade (V-6 Low). After the low start went up I started looking at a hold out right which Haychoi was looking at last week. I brushed it along with some other holds and started throwing myself at it. We all did ! John, Gabe and Morgan shared really good beta with me and I was able to find my way to the top of the boulder (Again repeating the amazing and scary top moves of "Wiseman's Fear."
Shortly after I sent it (called King Tut), we moved pads to the, "Diamond Engagement," "French Exit," "McBerkey," and "Hercules Hug." There we spent a bit of time climbing but, as always we got distracted and started scrubbing. Gabe put up two lines, which he is still thinking of names for and I sent two new lines as well ! Before we knew it the sun had set and the darkness of the forest set in, we packed up and started jogging down the trail since we didn't have lights. Once we returned to the car we realized it was 10PM. LOL On our way home we got stuck in traffic for the SR 522 road improvements and didn't get back to Bothell until 11:30pm.
We had an amazing time out there, can't wait to get out and climb together again soon !
King Tut-V7
FA Pablo Zuleta
Pictured: Pablo Zuleta and Morgan Heater
Begin on the right V cut hold and crimp rail and move left on the sloppy rail to the arete. Top out per "Wiseman's Fear"
Photo By. Gabe Cisneros
John Lyman on the very photogenic "French Exit"
Photo By. Gabe Cisneros