The past few weekends we have spent time exploring several new areas along US-2 and I-90. Below are several photos of new boulders we have located while expouldering on the weekends.
The Olympia Bouldering Crew has been developing a new bouldering area near GoldMyer Hot Springs. A picture of us going to check it out.
Pictured: Baker (dog), Ben Shrope, Jared Usui, Isac, Miles, (Pablo taking the picture)
Cole Allen climbing a boulder along the road to GoldMyer. This problem was put up by Ben Harrington and called "scrotie mcboogerball."
Miles Berkey climbing a new boulder Ben Shrope located.
Isac climbing a dihedral crack that Ben Shrope put up earlier in the day.
Pablo climbing "French Press" a line put up by Jared Usui.
Miles, Cole, Pablo, Ben Shrope, and Melanie light painting around the camp fire.
Whitney climbing "Down Graded by a Girl" at the Throne Room.
Jesse Evans working a hard project in the Galena Major Bouldering Area.
Joel Sheppard climbing "Antigravity" a new line at Galena Major Bouldering Area.
Pablo climbing the Ananzi Right Project.
Ryan and Pablo climbing some alpine rock at Stevens Pass.