This post is long overdue since so much has happened in the past several weeks. Quite a few people got out to Gold Bar on January 1st to enjoy some of the winter sunshine. After a mellow morning in the Clearcut and Santuary several small climbing groups united to properly pad Fraggle Rock. We had a fun session on Bob's Balls, Glen's Problem, and several of us sent Obesity. As the climbing wound down, Michal Rynkiewicz inspired us to give that scary top out some well deserved attention (like many other problems need). The top out is no longer fuzzy and doesn't seep. Thanks Michal!
On February 8th I went out to Morphues with Ryan TImm, Blue Hargreaves and Rohan Balakrishnan to improve the approach to the boulders across the log (Devil's Club Forest). The new approach is a 20 minutes hike with no scary log to crossing.
This weekend I went up to Gold Bar to rescrub some of the existing climbs and sent some of my personal projects. You will notice that the Tetris Boulder, Midnight Lichen, So it Seams, Pretty Possum, and Metroid Prime are once again clean.
Excellent few weeks of weather we have had this year, lets hope for sunshine next weekend!
Michal on Glen's Problem
Whitney Alexander on Bob's Balls and Michal brushing off the top.
Chandler Davis sending Obesity in wet shoes.
Blue, Rohan, Ryan and I after completing the trail to Tsumani.
Blue and Rohan at Morpheus
Ryan Timm at Morpheus
John Duke on Pretty Possum.
Pablo Zuleta on Pretty Possum.
Ryan Timm working on Metroid Prime
Pablo Zuleta on Metroid Prime